To say we teach wilderness survival skills would not be incorrect, it would just be incomplete.
The natural environment is where we began, where we evolved, and where—up until only a few generations ago—we simply called our home. What used to be a way of life for our human species has now become a dichotomous environment; a foreign and unforgiving place completely different from the “civilized” world we live in. And yet, for most people, the wilderness is a place that beckons to us, where we venture forth for a few hours or a few days at a time, with cars and backpacks packed full of gear and equipment to insulate us from the threats we perceive and the fragility we experience.
No, you would not be wrong to say we teach wilderness survival. But the entire concept of “survival” in a place that is deeply embedded in our DNA, and has nurtured our growth and development as a species for millennia, evokes a disparity through its conveyance of struggle and conflict. We would not describe living in our homes or shopping at our neighborhood grocer as “survival,” and we don’t believe the natural environment deserves that definition either.
The discrepancy between an environment which feels harmonious, and our inability to exist there is simply a reflection of our lack of training, and our divergence as a culture away from the land and into the industrial and technological era we live in today. If learning to exist in a place you love, naturally and harmoniously, without the struggle and alien experience of “survival” is something you long for, you are in the right place.
We want to teach you the skills necessary to reunite with the wild. Like learning a new language, it won’t be easy. But just as you possess an innate desire to communicate your thoughts and feelings by putting them into words, each phase of training will spur new feelings of internal power and harmony as your skills rise to create greater fluency with nature.
Get started with our first course, Fundamental Wilderness Skills, to learn the basic skills necessary for safety and comfort in the wilderness. These skills become the doorway into an environment where you’ll learn as much about yourself as you will about nature. Through our progressive training, you’ll reawaken your innate awareness and capacity to exist with nothing more than what the Earth provides. You’ll learn far more than how to survive; you’ll learn how to reunite with the place that has forever been our home.
Andrew BE
Andrew has a Masters Degree in Business Administration, but much prefers the world of plants and animals to spreadsheets and financial reports. He has a talent for engaging with students, which he has honed over 20 years of teaching. Andrew’s often uncanny awareness and connection with the wilderness is inspiring, and his ability to help students deal with the issues inhibiting their growth is profound.
Christina Reddin
Like an experienced detective, Christina has an aptitude for investigating nature’s mysteries. Her eye for detail, curiosity, and perseverance has led her to develop a keen sense of observation and a wealth of information. As a mother of two, she has a knack for creating playful ways of engaging children and adults alike in discovering the mysteries of the wild.
Daniel BE
Daniel has a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, and offers the unique approach of wilderness therapy along with his more traditional office setting. He has extensive formal training in wilderness survival and awareness skills, having completed a year-long residency program in Washington, and numerous training series in New Jersey. Daniel doesn’t just teach wilderness engagement, he IS wilderness engagement. His ease and natural talent is apparent from the very first class.
More… a lot more
Trackline is a service of BEing There Enlightenment Systems, one in a range of services designed to provide opportunities for you to consciously create awareness, connection, and health, in all aspects of your life. BEing There Enlightenment Systems serves a mission to provide professional training in emotional skills and guidance in the application of these skills. BEing There Enlightenment Systems is primarily a professional counseling service, but psychotherapy is only one of many possible entry points to the beginning of someone’s personal journey into emotional skill-building. Working under the BEing There Enlightenment Systems umbrella provides Trackline with exceptional resources not usually found in a wilderness skills training program. The experts at BEing There Enlightenment Systems have decades of experience helping individuals and couples develop awareness and connection. These tools help Trackline instructors to provide a deeper understanding of what it means to be truly engaged in the wilderness.